Kommun utanför lands- tingStockholms Uppsala Södermanlands Östergötlan การแปล - Kommun utanför lands- tingStockholms Uppsala Södermanlands Östergötlan อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Kommun utanför lands- tingStockholm

Kommun utanför lands- ting
Stockholms Uppsala Södermanlands Östergötlands Jönköpings Kronobergs Kalmar Gotlands Blekinge
Skåne Hallands Västra Götalands Värmlands Örebro Västmanlands Dalarnas Gävleborgs Västernorrlands Jämtlands Västerbottens Norrbottens Hela riket Riket exkl. Gotland
den 31 dec. 2011
2 091 473 338 630 272 563 431 075 337 896 184 654 233 090
57 308 152 979 1 252 933 301 724 1 590 604 272 736 281 572 254 257 276 565 276 130 242 155 126 299 259 667 248 545 9 482 855 9 425 547
SCB 14 Diagram
1. Total kommunal skattesats åren 1970-2013
1. Tax rates 1970-2013
30 Totalt1
25 20 15 10
5 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10
1. Inklusive kyrkoskatt t.o.m. 1999
2. Fördelning av kommuner efter total kommunal skattesats år 2013
2. Distribution of municipalities by total local tax rate Antal
60 50 40 30 20 10
28,50- 29,00- 29,50- 30,00- 30,50- 31,00- 31,50- 32,00- 32,50- 33,00- 33,50- 34,00- 34,50- 28,99 29,49 29,99 30,49 30,99 31,49 31,99 32,49 32,99 33,49 33,99 34,49 34,99
Skattesats, procent
SCB 15 Fakta om statistiken
Detta omfattar statistiken
Statistiken bygger på uppgifter om kommunala skattesatser för år 2013 och skatteunderlag enligt 2012 års taxering, som SCB erhåller från Skatteverket. I den totala kommunala skattesatsen ingår skatt till primärkommun och skatt till landsting. Uppgifter om folkmängd hämtas från befolkningsstatistiken vid SCB.
Skatteverkets – och indirekt SCB:s – insamling av uppgifter om de kommunala skattesatserna görs med stöd av bestämmelser i Lagen (1965:269) med särskilda bestämmelser om kommuns och annan menighets utdebitering av skatt m.m.
Kommuner och landsting är objekt i undersökningen. Populationen utgörs av de landsting och kommuner som finns vid redovisningsårets ingång. De statistiska mått som används är summa skatteunderlag samt vägda medelvärden för skattesatser för länen och hela riket. Uppgifterna redovisas för enskilda kommuner och landsting, för länen och hela riket samt kommungrupper. Refe- rensperiod är kommunernas och landstingens budgetår 2013.
Definitioner och förklaringar
De viktigaste variablerna är total kommunal skattesats och därav kommunal skattesats och landstingsskattesats samt skatteunderlag och folkmängd.
Skattesats: Med skattesats avses den procentuella andel av den kommunalt beskattningsbara förvärvsinkomsten som en skattskyldig påförs i kommunal inkomstskatt. Total kommunal skattesats för en kommun utgörs av summan av skattesatserna för primärkommun och landsting. För länen och hela riket beräknas ett vägt medelvärde av ingående kommuners respektive alla kommuners skattesatser. Skatteunderlaget används därvid som vägningstal på så sätt att skattesatserna multipliceras med skatteunderlaget. Summan av denna beräkning divideras därefter med summan av skatteunderlaget. Uppgifterna om kommunala skattesatser har erhållits från Skatteverket.
En del av befolkningen får betala statlig skatt och värnskatt för inkomster över en viss nivå (skiktgräns). Dessa nivåer kan förändras mellan inkomståren och ingår inte i denna statistik.
Skatteunderlag: Skatteunderlaget utgörs av den beskattningsbara förvärvs- inkomsten för fysiska personer. Uppgifterna erhålls från Skatteverket. Skatteunderlaget enligt taxeringen 2012 avser inkomståret 2011.
Skattekraft: Skatteunderlaget per invånare vid taxeringsårets ingång. I denna publikation avses folkmängden den 31 december 2011. Det har inte gjorts någon åldersavgränsning.
Statistikens tillförlitlighet
Uppgifterna om skattesatser bygger på kommunala beslut på olika regionala nivåer. Skatteunderlaget erhålls från Skatteverket och utgörs av uppgifter lämnade via självdeklaration. Det bör uppmärksammas att skattesatsen gäller år 2013, medan skatteunderlagen avser taxeringsåret 2012, som i sin tur avser inkomster för år 2011. De vägningstal som används för att beräkna genomsnittliga skattesatser för länen och riket baseras alltså på inkomstuppgifter två år tillbaka i tiden. I beräkningen av skattekraften har folkmängden den 31 december 2011 använts.
Bra att veta
Fr.o.m. år 2000 ingår inte kyrkoskatt i kommunalskatten, eftersom församlingar och samfälligheter inom Svenska kyrkan inte längre utgör kommuner utan är delar av trossamfundet Svenska kyrkan. Det betyder att kyrkan inte längre kan ta ut skatt, utan istället har rätt att ta ut kyrkoavgift.
Uppgifter om skattesatser m.m. publiceras även i form av ett pressmeddelande och i de statistiska databaser som kan nås via SCB:s webbplats. Observera att pressmeddelandet bygger på preliminära uppgifter om skattesatserna för år 2013. Tidigare publicering finns också på webbplatsen.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
municipality outside the County
Stockholm Uppsala södermanland Östergötland Jönköping successive mountain Kalmar Gotland blekinge
Skåne Halland western cape Värmland Västmanland Örebro valleys gävle borg västernorrland Jämtland Västerbotten norrbotten whole kingdom kingdom excluding Gotland
December 31 2011
2 091 473 338 630 272 563 431 075 337 896 184 654 233 090
57 308 152 979 1 252 933 301 724 1 590 604 272 736 281 572 254 257 276 565 276 130 242 155 126 299 259 667 248 545 9 482 855 9 425 547 14
scb chart
1. total local tax years 1970-2013
1. tax rates 1970-2013
total 1 25 20 15 10
5 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10

municipal council

Year percent
1. including church tax even 1999
2.distribution of municipalities by total local tax rate in 2013
2. distribution of municipalities by total local tax rate number + 60 50 40 30 20 10
28.50 to 29.00 - 29.50 to 30.00 - 30.50 to 31.00 - 31.50 to 32.00 - 32.50 to 33.00 - 33.50 to 34.00 - 34.50 to 28.99 29.49 29.99 30.49 30.99 31.49 31.99 32.49 32.99 33 49 33.99 34.49 34.99 + tax, per cent
scb 15 facts about the statistics

This includes statisticsstatistics are based on data on municipal tax rates for 2013 and the tax base according to the 2012 assessment, which scb receives from the tax office. in the total local tax rate includes taxes to municipal primary and taxes to governments. data on population taken from the population statistics at SCB.
tax agency - and indirectly scb:s - data collection on local tax rates made pursuant to the provisions of the Act (1965:269), with specific provisions on municipal and other congregation estate tax levy of tax millimeters municipalities are items in the survey. population consists of the counties and municipalities that are in accounting beginning of the year.the statistical measure used is total taxable income and weighted average for rates for counties and the whole country. data reported for individual municipalities, the counties and the whole country as well as local groups. reference period is the local government budget in 2013.
definitions and explanations
the most important variables is the total local tax rate and hence the local tax rate and county tax rate and tax base and population.
tax rate: the rate refers to the percentage of the municipal taxable income as a taxable applied in municipal income tax.total local tax rate for a municipality consists of the sum of the rates for primary municipality and county. for counties and the whole country, a weighted average of the constituent municipalities and all municipal rates. tax base is then used as weights so that the rates are multiplied by the tax base.the sum of this calculation is then divided by the sum of the tax base. data on municipal tax rates were obtained from the tax office.
part of the population have to pay state taxes and austerity tax on incomes above a certain level (threshold). these levels may change between tax years and are not included in these statistics.
tax base:tax base is made up of taxable earned income of individuals. data obtained from the tax office. tax base according to taxation in 2012, the income year 2011.
tax base: the tax base per capita in the assessment year. This publication referred to the population on 31 December 2011. there has been no age boundaries.

accuracy of statisticsdata rates based on local decisions at different regional levels. tax base is obtained from the tax office and consists of data submitted via the tax return. it should be noted that the tax rate for the year 2013, while tax bases refers fiscal year 2012, which in turn relates to revenue for 2011.the weights used to calculate the average rates for the counties and the whole country is thus based on income data two years ago. in the calculation of the tax, the population 31 December 2011 have been used. scb


good to know fr.om 2000 does not include church tax in municipal taxes,as congregations and communities within the Swedish Church no longer represents municipalities but are part of the religious community Swedish Church. it means that the church can no longer levy taxes, but instead has the right to levy church tax. + data rates etc. also published in the form of a press release and in the statistical databases that can be accessed via the SCB's website.note that the press release is based on preliminary information about the rates for 2013. previous publications are also available on the website.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Municipality outside the country thing
Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Östergötland, Jönköping, Kronoberg, Kalmar, Gotland, Blekinge, Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland, Värmland
Örebro, Västmanland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten Whole Empire Empire Excl. Gotland
31 dec 2011
2 091 473 338 630 272 563 431 075 337 896 184 654 233 090
57 308 152 979 1 252 933 301 724 1 590 604 736 272 281 572 254 257 276 565 276 130 242 155 126 299 259 667 248 545 9 482 855 9 425 547
SCB 14 Chart
1. Total municipal tax rate years 1970-13
1. Tax rates 1970-13

Totalt1 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10

Municipality Council Year%
1. Including church tax until 1999
2. Distribution of municipalities after total municipal tax rate year 13
2. Distribution of municipalities by the total local tax rate Number
60 50 40 30 20 10
28,50-29.00-29.50-30.00-30.50-31.50-31,00-32.00-32.50-33,00-33.50-34.00-34,50-28,99 29.49 29.99 30,49 30.99 31,49 31.99 32.49 32.99 33,49 33.99 34,49 34.99
SCB 15 facts about the statistics

this includes statisticsThe statistics are based on data on municipal tax rates for the years 2013 and tax base according to the 2012 assessment, as SCB receives from the Revenue Commissioners. In the total municipal tax rate includes taxes to the municipality and County Council primary tax. Population data obtained from population statistics at SCB.
Tax – and indirectly SCBs-collection of data on the municipal tax rates are made by virtue of provisions laid down by Law (1965: 269) with specific provisions on municipal and other menighets taxation by taxes etc.
municipalities and counties are objects in the survey. The population is made up of the counties and municipalities that are in the accounting year. The statistical measure used is the sum of the tax base as well as weighted averages of rates for the counties and the entire Empire. The data are reported for individual municipalities and counties, the counties and the entire Empire and municipal groups. Reference reference period is for municipalities and county councils budget year 2013.

definitions and explanationsThe most important variables are the total municipal tax rate and hence the municipal tax rate and the county tax rate and tax base and population.
rate: tax rate refers to the percentage of the municipal income taxable income a taxable accrual in municipal income tax. Total municipal tax rate for a municipality is the sum of the rates for primary municipality and county councils. For the counties and the entire Empire is calculated a weighted average of the rates of all municipalities municipalities respectively. The tax base is used, in which the weights so that the tax rate is multiplied by the tax base. The sum of this calculation is then the sum of the tax base. Data on municipal tax rates have been obtained from the tax agency.
A portion of the population has to pay tax and income tax for assault over a certain level (stacking limit). These levels can change between years of income and are not included in these statistics.
the tax base: The tax base consists of the taxable earned income of physical persons. The data obtained from the tax office. The tax base according to tax assessments for income year 2011 2012.
Tax effect: the tax base per capita at the taxeringsårets entrance. In this publication refers to the population on 31 december 2011. There has been no demarcation of age.

reliability StatisticsThe data on tax rates based on municipal decisions on the various regional levels. The tax base is obtained from the tax office, and is composed of the data submitted through your tax return. It should be noted that the tax rate comes in 2013, while tax bases for assessment year 2012, which in turn refers to income for the year 2011. The weights used to calculate the average rates for the counties and the Kingdom is based on income data two years back in time. In the calculation of taxable capacity has population on 31 december 2011.

good to know. the year 2000 is not included in municipal tax, church tax because the assemblies and communities within the Swedish Church is no longer local but are parts of the Swedish community of faith Church. It means that the Church can no longer charge, but instead has the right to levy church tax.
data on tax rates, etc. are published in the form of a press release and in the statistical databases that can be accessed through the SCB Web site. Please note that the press release is based on preliminary data on tax rates for the year 2013. Previous publications are also available on the site.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Municipality outside country things
Stockholm Uppsala Minnesota Östergötland Jonkoping Kalmar Kronoberg Gotland Blekinge
Skåne Halland West Götaland Värmland Örebro Västmanland Dalarna Gävleborg Västernorrland Jämtland Västerbotten Norrbotten throughout the kingdom Kingdom excl. Gotland
31 Dec 2011
2 091 473 338 630 272 563 431 075 337 896 184 654 233 090
57 308 152 979 1 252 933 301 724 1 590 604 272 736 281 572 254 257 276 565 276 130 242 155 126 299 259 667 248 545 9 482 855 9 425 547
Statistics Sweden 14 graphics
1. Total municipal tax rate years 1970-2013
1. Tax rates 1970-2013
30 Total1
25 20 15 10
5 0
70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10
County Councils
1. Including kyrkoskatt even 1999
2.Distribution of municipalities after total municipal tax rate year 2013
2. Distribution of municipalities by total local tax rate Number Of
60 50 40 30 20 10
28,50- 29,00- 29,50- 30,00- 30,50- 31,00- 31,50- 32,00- 32,50- 33,00- 33,50- 34,00- 34,50- 28,99 29,49 30,49 29.99shall be EUR 30,99/t 31,49 31,99 32,49 32,99 33,49 33,99 34,49 34,99
Rate, %
Statistics Sweden 15 Facts about statistics
This includes statistics
The statistics are based on information on municipal tax rates for 2013 and the tax base according to 2012 tax return, which Statistics Sweden receives from the Swedish Tax Agency. In the total local tax rate included tax to primaerkommun and tax to county councils. Data on population is retrieved from demographics at Statistics Sweden.
The Swedish Tax Agency - and indirectly Statistics Sweden:S - the collection of information on the municipal tax rates is done with the support of the provisions of the Act (1965:269) with special provisions for municipal and other sight apparently of tax, etc.
municipalities and county councils is the object of the investigation. Population is made up of the county councils and municipalities which are available in the accounting year's input.The statistical measure used is the sum tax bases, as well as weighted averages of rates for counties and throughout the kingdom. The data is recorded for individual municipalities and county councils, for counties and municipalities, as well as throughout the kingdom. By reference herein- rensperiod is the municipalities and county councils financial year 2013.
Definitions and explanations
The most important variables is the total municipal tax rate and hence landstingsskattesats and municipal tax rate and tax base and population.
Rate: The rate referred to the percentage of the municipal taxable income as a taxable person charged in municipal income tax.Total municipal tax rate for a municipality is the sum of the rates for primärkommun and county councils. For counties and the entire realm is calculated a weighted average of the input municipalities and all municipal tax rates. Tax Base is used in this context as weights in this way that the rates are multiplied by the tax base.The sum of this calculation then dividing by the sum of the tax base. The information on municipal tax rates have been obtained from the Swedish Tax Agency.
a part of the population must pay state tax and värnskatt for income over a certain level (skiktgräns). These levels can be changed between ones and not included in the statistics.
bases:Tax Base consists of the taxable acquisition income for physical persons. The data is obtained from the Swedish Tax Agency. Tax Base under assessment by 2012 refers to income year 2011.
tax capacity lying: tax base per inhabitant at the start of tax year. In this publication referred to the population 31 December 2011. There has not been any åldersavgränsning.
reliability of the statistics
The information on the rates based on municipal decisions on the different regional levels. Tax Base is obtained from the Swedish Tax Agency and consists of data submitted via tax return. It should be noted that the rate for 2013, while tax bases for tax year 2012, which in turn relates to revenue for 2011.The weights used to calculate the average tax rates for counties and the kingdom is based on farmer receives two years back in time. In the calculation of the tax capacity has the population 31 december 2011 been used.
Good to know
Fr.o. M. 2000 kyrkoskatt not included in municipal tax,As assemblies and communities within the Church of Sweden is no longer constitute municipalities but are parts of community of faith the Church of Sweden. This means that the church can no longer take out tax, but instead has the right to remove the Church dues.
Information on tax rates, etc. , also published in the form of a press release and in the statistical databases that can be accessed via Statistics Sweden's website.Please note that the press release is based on preliminary data on tax rates for 2013. Previous publication is also available on the website.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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